6:54 PM
Six more days to confirmation and seven more days to the mission trip! And 30 of us are going to Bicol, accompanied by 8 adult guardians, including 2 parents and a godparent.
The last week has been tough for everyone involved in the mission trip. But let us remember that Christ never lets us down. Never! And sometimes it's hard to believe that, because we all have had the experiences of friends who have let us down. But Christ will not. How would our lives be different if we trusted Christ completely? Have you ever thought of how we would act if we never feared being let down by Him? So we should never be afraid. We must trust Him completely as we go forth to Mission.
In our friendships, we have surely let others down. Let's think of a time recently when we have let down our father or our mother, our brother or our sister, our catechist and our friends? Let's reach out to them sometime today or perhaps tomorrow and tell them that we are sorry for letting them down. Let's tell them that we are going to work hard at not letting them down in the future.
Lord, we want to trust you completely as we go for our mission trip. We are so glad to know that you will never let us down. We'll follow your ways so that we can have eternal life with you. Thank you Lord. -
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